
Monday, July 18, 2016

Weekly Post: 6/26 - 7/2

Sunday, 6/26:
 This is a screen shot of a game Ben plays in his (very minimal) free time. Clash of Clans. There are cool things like healers and dragons and other stuff. I don't know anything about it except that Ben is in a clan with some other friends.

Monday, 6/27:
My childhood teddy bear, Graham Cracker, has lost his innocence. He is the only person or thing that Kingsley actively humps. The first few times it was funny, but recently I think I've noticed Graham Cracker's sewn smile downturn slightly.

Tuesday, 6/28:
A gaggle of girls playing with Kingsley when I came home from working on a 'district-wide end of course exam' for next year at the central office. 

Wednesday, 6/29
With the meetings starting at 9, I started a new routine of taking Kingsley on a walk in the morning. We try to take a slightly different route every day, but we frequently walk past or through this pretty neighborhood park. On our walks, I intermittently say "ok Kingsley, ready, set, go!" and Kingsley and I sprint for a block or so. Pretty fun.

Thursday, 6/30:
Ben and I meant to take a picture with us in it, but we forgot until we were driving out of the parking lot. We carried on our birthday tradition of getting free food all over the place. This includes a free burger at Red Robin. We did it on the last possible day.

Friday, 7/1:
Not the cutest picture, but Justin and I worked Thursday and Friday on administrative stuff at the school. We audited transcripts, stuffed envelopes, and generally enjoyed being exempted from the 'restorative circles' professional development meetings.

Saturday, 7/2:
Chely and Dee arrived! [Implied: we spent all day cleaning and preparing for their arrival]. We ate Bucharest Grille and stayed up later than was prudent. 

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