Some days really aren't that bad...compared to how they feel in my mind.
It might have been because of high expectations, but today just felt like a mini-series of unfortunate events. It was one of those days when cords just wouldn't reach the outlet, when there just wasn't quite enough space on my students' guided notes, and when the alarm went off right in the middle of my dream. Why, alarm, must you take away my sacred REM sleep?
Lots of little complaints from my students and lots of little complaints from me. Sigh. It makes for a day like one of those sweaters that isn't so itchy you don't buy it, but it's just itchy enough to bother you all freakin' day.
Enough with the whiny metaphors. I'm ready for tomorrow!
Here is my funny story for the day:
I brought cookies for my advisory student of the week this week, and he promptly sold them to the highest bidder. $6, in case you were wondering, is the going price for a batch of snickerdoodles with all of Ms. John's pride and love baked into them. I didn't know whether to feel irritated that he sold them or flattered that they would sell at all. So I chose to laugh...but also, mainly still feel a combination of irritation and flattery, because let's not lie, I'm not decisive enough to just choose laughter.
Here is my positive text for the day:
Some of my students are extra amazing and are planning to retake the ACT again. They remind me every day how much hard work can pay off. Here is yet another student re-enlisting to study for the ACT all over again. I guess he has nothing else to do...since basketball season has been over for all of 4 days...
Blogs need a "like" button. I have nothing interesting to say, but I really enjoyed this post, and the "itchy sweater" analogy is perfect for a lot of my days. Do you bake cookies every week for your "student of the week"? You know the law of supply and demand -- too many batches of cookies and the value goes down! I would pay $20 for a batch of you snickerdoodles!