
Friday, March 20, 2015

Positivity Dump

I know, I know. Another loving, braggy post about my students. It's getting old. If you aren't interested, definitely skip this! Don't look back! Don't look the beast in the eye.

I feel right now like all the time and effort I have put into building these relationships with my kids is really paying off. To be clear, I have L-O-V-E-D them from day one; that is not something I've had to work at because my kids are amazing. But, relationships are much more than that. They are listening and time and trust. At times, it's taken a lot of my energy to give those things.

As I said, I have been trying really, really hard, and I don't just love my students anymore, I feel truly close to them.

This is a positivity dump with screen shots of amazing texts from my students mixed in with some hilarious selfies they've taken on my phone. All of these texts are from within the last 7 days. So you will probably begin to see why I'm feeling good right now. (The selfies are about 95% of my selfies from the whole year, just to clarify)

Starting with my personal favorite...I just love how indifferent he looks in this picture. Makes me laugh.

  Oh man, these texts give me the feels. Reading them makes me feel like I'm starring in a Disney movie (preferably as Jasmine, because we all know she's the best).

I know that next week, and over the next few months, there will be many moments and days where it's more this:

than this..

I've had so many moments where I have failed and I had to pick myself back up. Lessons failed. Exampled failed. Bullying discussions/interventions failed (don't get me started on that one). But with these beautiful, climactic, now we can play all day in the sun moments I think I could make it through Ursula's horrible scary song a million more times.

I don't know if I've shed more tears in pride and validation or fear and frustration at this point. And that's a huge growth since last semester.


  1. This is great! Keep it up Teach (or Momma, as they call you). Is the color heat experiment, where you drop food coloring into hot and cold water, and watch it spread faster in the hot water? That's a cool experiment -- good for you for finding it. I forgot to tell you about it.

  2. Yeah, Mom! That is the experiment. It went really well and was easy to implement.
