
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Happy and Sad

Things that Make me Sad:
1. People who speed along the highway in lanes that are closed ahead to pass the traffic that resulted from said lane being closed. In fact, I plan to someday publish a short story called "Everyone Has a Place to Go. Don't Think You're the Only One in a Rush, you Big Jerk". But it might be followed by the sequel "Sometimes I'm That Person Because I Don't Notice the Lane is Closing. Yes, I'm That Unobservant...Please Don't be Mad"
2. When people say that Diet Coke and Coke taste the same. That's just ridiculous
3. When people warn me for the hundredth time that Diet Coke causes cancer. Weirdly, I don't drink soda to be healthy. I drink it because it's good for my soul. Scientific Fact
Yes, the Diet Coke picture twice is purposeful. It's that good
4. When I realize that I've made assumptions that guided my spending habits and lost me money. Like - frozen Costco hamburger is actually significantly MORE expensive than fresh hamburger from regular grocery stores - WHAT? That lost me at least $20 over the past 2.5 years and an additional $5 opportunity cost in time spent defrosting hamburger bricks.
5. When you serve yourself food at a party only to discover it was masquerading as delicious food on the serving platter but actually tastes terrible. You now have two choices: choke it down or attempt a subtle napkin drop.

Things that Make me Happy:
1. Good Deals. These make me disproportionately happy. Free food is at least 3.33 (repeating, of course) times better than the same food when it costs money.
2. Desserts - especially new ones that I add to my list of recipes. Explains why I don't frequently eat the same dessert twice in a year.
3. The Fall. This is by far my favorite season of the year. Just thinking about leaves changing color, apple picking, and Halloween makes me tingly.
If you grew up with views like this near you, wouldn't you love the fall too? That's my house...jk
4. When I remember that I have money that I forgot about or find money that I didn't know I had. One thing that makes my forgetfulness a blessing.
5. Making spreadsheets or lists, but maybe you could have guessed that.


  1. You got Sad #1 from your Dad. You got Happy #1 from me -- always happy to save money! The same dress makes me much happier if I paid less money for it!

  2. I enjoyed your list. Sad #5 happened to me the other night and it was so annoying! I spent a lot of mental energy plotting how to get rid of it without offending the person who brought it.

    1. Hate that! Once I picked up multiple cookies from a plate that looked beautiful but tasted...not beautiful...I was so upset with myself as I ate those.
